Nature Kindergarten is an optional program available to students at St. John XXIII and OLA in Fort Saskatchewan. Children will continue in their regular Kindergarten classrooms as per the EICS Kindergarten calendar, attending Nature Kindergarten on the other days providing an option to attend kindergarten full-time.
This early years enrichment opportunity will allow children to spend the vast majority of their day outside engaged in meaningful ways with their body, mind and spirit while located in a natural setting. Working as a group of explorers, nature-based kindergarten children will be given additional outdoor opportunities to be self-directed through their own curiosity and play. Using multiple natural learning environments, children will develop confidence in their own abilities to investigate and to collaborate outdoors and within their natural environment. Children will be physically active and engaged in movement skills that will facilitate their balance, stamina and strength.
Nature Based Programs - St. John XXIII
- Age requirement is 5 years old by December 31, 2025
- Nature Kindergarten will run Mondays, Thursdays and scheduled Wednesdays for the 2025-2026 school year
- Fees: $425 per month ($4250/year) This fee may be paid in full at time of commitment or may be broken down into monthly payments of $425 under a payment plan commencing September 1, 2025.
Please refer to our 2025-2026 Nature Kindergarten Handbook for more information, coming soon!
St. John XXIII Nature Programs Parent Handbook 2025 2026To register in the Nature Kindergarten program at St. John XXIII, please follow the registration link and note the following:
- If your child is currently attending an EICS school, you only need to submit a Supplemental Program Registration form
- If you are new to EICS, please complete a Registration form and then complete the Supplemental Program Registration form
In order to secure your child's placement in this program you must:
1) submit a placement fee deposit of $425 (which will go toward the last month of programming) and
2) sign up for the payment plan
The payment plan and deposit forms will be available in PowerSchool on April 1st, 2025
If you would like more information or have questions, please call the school at 780-998-7777.