School Procedures

Nutritional Procedure

 EICS recognizes nutrition as an essential element of student and staff wellness, and acknowledges its role in optimal growth and development. As a division, we are committed to creating nutrition environments in schools that promote and provide access to healthy food choices for all. Our Administrative Procedure reinforces the principles of healthy eating outlined in Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide and the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines for Children and Youth. Our education for students, staff, and parents works with the Comprehensive School Health approach.

In accordance with our EICS Nutrition AP, our school will:

  1. Ensure strategies are in place to foster the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote healthy eating.
  2. Using the Alberta Nutrition Guidelines, distribution of food in our elementary school will align with the Choose Most Often and Choose Sometimes categories.
  3. Special events will incorporate the principles outlines in the Alberta Nutrition Guideline for Children and Youth.
  4. Hot Lunch Programs will provide healthy choices from the Choose Most Often and Choose Sometimes categories, and will phase out foods from the Choose Least Often categories.
  5. Schools will use non-food rewards to provide incentives.

So what, now what? What does this mean for students, staff, and families of Saint John XXIII?

  • We recognize that nutrition is fundamentally a parental decision and we acknowledge parents as the first teacher of their child.
  • Staff will continue to share information and ideas about the categories with students and families.
  • We will not be able to distribute any birthday "treats" or food that is brought in. If your child would really like to share on their birthday, there are many non-food options available such as: a book donation or pencils.
  • Administration will continue to work jointly with our Hot Lunch Coordinators to ensure nutritious choices are made available.

Inclement Weather Procedure

In the case of extreme weather conditions (ie. cold weather or freezing rain), Elk Island Public Schools’ (EIPS) Administrative Procedure 131: Inclement Weather forms the basis to suspend busing services as necessary when weather and/or road conditions represent a potential hazard for students. Bus service may be suspended on a region-by-region or route-by-route basis.

  • Schools will remain open to students should school bus service be suspended for the day.

 For the safety of the students, it is the responsibility of the parents to ensure that their children are suitably dressed for coping with weather conditions and arrangements have been made for alternate shelter for their child if no one is home.

Please refer to the EIPS website for more information regarding Bus Suspension Due to Inclement Weather

Please also refer to the Ride 360 Website and App to stay informed about bus delays and cancellations. While Student Transportation will always inform parents and guardians about these events, the Bus Status app can allow you to see these updates sooner. 

Guide to Ride