Staggered Entry in the Fall

For Grades 1-4:
Thursday, August 29th Students with last names A-L
Friday, August 30th Students with last names M-Z
Tuesday, September 3rd First day of classes for all Grades 1-4 students
M/W Kindergarten:
Friday, August 30th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A - C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D - J
Wednesday, Sept. 4th Please note Early Dismissal time
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names K - P
Time: 12pm - 2pm Students with last names Q - Z
T/R Kindergarten:
Thursday, August 29th
Time: 9am - 11am Students with last names A-C
Time: 1pm - 3pm Students with last names D-J
Tuesday, Sept.3rd
Time 9am - 11am Students with last names K-P
Time 1pm - 3pm Students with last names Q-Z
First day of classes for all Kindergarten students:
T/R and Nature Kindergarten
Thursday, Sept. 5th
M/W Kindergarten
Friday, Sept. 6th
Please check your email for information regarding your Meet and Greet days and Small Group Orientation days.